
According to the results of lithological studies of the Paleocene sediments of the southern side of the Karkinite Depression, the lateral lithological-lithmological and facial variability of the sediments is characterized, which is manifested both in the whole section of the Paleocene and its individual epochs. It is shown that the role of limestone formations clearly decreases from the beginning to the end of the period with their maximum development in Zealand time. Sediments of the Tanetian epoch are characterized by dominance in the section of marl-clay formations and the development of siltstone-sand bodies in the area of the Odesa structure. Sediments are represented by three types of section: terrigenous (well Odeska-2), carbonate (wells Hamburtseva-2, Selskogo-40), carbonate-clay (wells Crimean-1, Shtormova-5, Centralna-1, Arkhangelskogo-1). In different areas, each type of section is characterized by a certain specificity of the internal structure. Lithological heterogeneity of sediments is associated with spatial and age variability of biofacial zones: biogerms, inland biogerm lagoons, plumes of destruction of bioherms, the outer shelf. In the sediments of the Danian age, small limestone bodies are localized in the Shtormova and Odesa structures. Zealand strata in the area from well Hamburtseva-2 to well Centralna-1 are characterized by significant development of bioherms, which are replaced in the direction of the Odesa structure by plumes of destruction and sediments of basin plains. The development of bioherm formations in the axial part of the depression is predicted, which is associated with the sedimentary manifestation of the Central Mikhailovsky uplift. This significantly expands the prospects for oil and gas in this part of the study area. During the Tanetian period, rising sea levels caused an increase in the area of distribution of the outer shelf in the axial zone of depression. At the same time, in the area of the structures of Hamburtseva, Selskogo, Centralna inheritedly (despite the transgression) were developed biohermic massifs, which was caused by upward movements within the Black Sea-Kalamitsky uplift.

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