
Human economic activities carried out within river basins often lead to the deterioration of the general condition of water bodies. The main danger of excessive amounts of organic substances is the consumption of oxygen dissolved in water for their oxidation. As a result, conditions of oxygen deficiency occur in polluted waters until hypoxia processes. It leads to significant disruptions of biological groups, including the death of certain species. The entry of nutrients into surface water is the driving force of eutrophication. As a result, it leads to increasing in primary production and accumulation of organic substances in the water object. Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds play a dominant role among nutrients. According to the nature of the inflow of substances, point sources and diffuse sources are distinguished. The first one includes stationary water discharges. The second are represented by runoff from rural settlements and runoff from agricultural lands and built-up areas. The main ways of supply of biogenic elements and organic substances to the Teteriv basin are presented in the article. As point sources, the loads from communal services and industrial enterprises were determined separately. According to the reporting data of 2-TP Vodhosp, there are 13 industrial enterprises and 22 communal enterprises, the wastewater of which enters the Teteriv River. To analyze the diffuse inflow of nutrients the main ways of their inflow were used- from precipitation, water runoff from different types of cover (arable land, forests, meadows and pastures, settlements, rock outcrops, water surface), from the rural population. The Teteriv river is a right tributary of the Dnipro and the main source of water intake and drainage of municipal and industrial wastewater in Ukrainian Polissya. Zhytomyr city agglomeration with a total population of 587.2 thousand pers. with cities of regional significance Zhytomyr and Berdychiv are within the basin of the Teteriv. Reservoirs built in the basin create the necessary water reserves for the needs of the population and other facilities. It has been shown that among the point sources the main pollution is caused by the urban population. Significant pollution of the Teteriv River with organic substances and nutrients is caused by KP Zhytomyrvodokanal and Banknote Paper Factory (Malyn city). It is revealed that the main source of organic compounds is the households mostly of the rural population, which are not equipped with sewage. For nitrogen and phosphorus, the main source of emissions is an arable land.

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