
A significant number of domestic and foreign studies are devoted to the study of freedom as a mental phenomenon. Modern authors consider psychological freedom of personality mainly as effective self-determination, paying insufficient attention to its spiritual foundations and ontogenetic features of development. The following assumption was made: age peculiarities of understanding of psychological freedom of a person consist in the fact that in adolescence, high school and student age different components of psychological freedom reflect the content and manifestation of freedom, and spirituality is the basic structural component of psychological freedom, determining its content and manifestations at different age stages. The study involved 329 subjects: 105 adolescents aged 14 years, 102 high school students aged 17 years, 122 students aged 19-21 years. The results of the study allowed to describe the differences in the views of adolescents, high school students and students about freedom, age differences in the content of individual components of psychological freedom of the individual and their manifestation, the role of spirituality in the development of psychological freedom, demonstrated its decisive importance in understanding the true inner freedom.

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