
Summary. The article focuses on the important prob-lem, which is little studied in the educational and peda-gogical sciences, namely, the issue of professional compe-tence of a head of higher education institution in modern conditions, his/her ability to respond to changes and to remain competitive in the market of educational services. The article shows that the development of the knowledge economy, the growing importance of the educational ser-vices sector require global transformations, qualitative changes in the conceptual framework of professional training of experts of the new formation.The expediency of the innovative system of managing a higher education institution, revision of the internal management vertical of the institution, training of the management staff, are substantiated. It has been proved that commercial activity changes the status of a higher education institution, turning it into an object of market economy causing the need to change the management methods, structure, management principles, mission, policy, strategy and objectives of the higher education institution. The article substantiates the expediency of creating service departments that are not directly related to education and science, namely: marketing, manage-ment, business, finance, advertising, etc., determining the use of techniques, methods and tools of a market econo-my. It is investigated that the mentioned modern features of the object of management set appropriate requirements for the subject of management, determine the set of basic and additional knowledge, skills and qualities of the heads of higher education institutions that will allow them to meet modern requirements. Solving these problems is related to the competence and principles of quality man-agement of higher education institution.It is proved that higher education institutions lack a systematic professional approach, ranging from the gen-eral vision and mission of education management to management in a particular institution and its depart-ments. It is investigated that the lack of proper manage-ment education in managers of higher education institu-tions focuses only on experience, increases the period of the ir formation in a manager position, and age at the time of appointment makes it impossible to fully realize them-selves as a manager. It is emphasized that this stimulates the need to develop corresponding scientifically substan-tiated, relevant to modern requirements recommendations for the management of higher education institutions, the ability to be engaged in business activity.

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