
The development of metropolitan agglomerations is an urgent issue in the Russian Federation because urban clusters depend on inter-municipal cooperation. The authors analyzed the existing models of inter-municipal cooperation to define the most relevant issues of metropolitan development. Since interaction models must comply with the federal legislation, an ideal form of inter-municipal cooperation does not exist. Subjects of the Russian Federation maintain associative, contractual, and economic cooperation, or a combination of these forms. Sustainable ecological and socio-economic growth of metropolitan agglomerations needs an effective governance arrangement. Inter-municipal cooperation is a legal tool that makes it possible to implement agglomeration projects, to combine financial and labor resources, to solve issues of territorial planning, etc. The form of inter-municipal interaction should be selected in line with the goals and objectives of a particular agglomeration in order to meet the standards of spatial development of the Russian Federation. Municipalities are limited in their autonomy and inter-municipal cooperation by imperative norms of the law. Therefore, inter-municipal cooperation in the sphere of metropolitan development must fully comply with legal regulations and prohibitions.

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