
In recent years Russia has been going through drastic changes in the structure of socio-economic processes due to the external sanctions introduction. Under modern conditions is it important to find out whether the imposed sanctions have affected the development of the country’s regions and what development prospects should be expected in the future. The changes in the nature of the socio-economic development of the regions of the Southern Federal District, namely the Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd and Rostov regions, caused by sanctions, are investigated; measures to promote regional development in the conditions of external sanctions are proposed. In the context of global economic changes and political constraints that have had an impact on the country᾿s macroeconomic situation, regional development is of particular importance. The regions of the Southern Federal District are facing a number of complex problems, including a decrease in the external investment flow, limited access to international markets, an imbalance in the economic structure, as well as the deterioration of social indicators, which together create challenges for achieving sustainable socio-economic development. A statistical analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd, Rostov regions in dynamics is carried out. Possible consequences of sanctions are considered. The main socio-economic indicators of the three regions of the Southern Federal District are analyzed, as a result of which it is possible to assess their condition and further development prospects in the conditions of sanctions. It is concluded that in order to overcome the consequences of sanctions, it is necessary to introduce integrated approaches. Important strategic steps are economic diversification, stimulating innovation and research, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as well as strengthening interregional partnerships. It is recommended to focus on human capital development providing access to education, health care and high-quality employment.

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