
This article presents the analysis of personal and characterologic traits of the teenagers, inclined to the formation of addictive behavior, as well as the stereotypes of behavior typical for this age group. The authors compared the results of diagnostic tools for the identification of dependent personality traits, and amounted to a personality profile and identified the structural components that are typical for this group of subjects. They identified accentuation of their character, indicated the possible causes of their addictions and their mechanisms provoking. The authors described the theoretical constructs of domestic and foreign authors, which formed the basis of the study. The practical results of this research can be used not only for diagnosis of dependent behavior, and serve as the basis of programmes for primary and secondary prevention of addictive behavior, as well as corrective and therapeutic interventions. Their implementation is possible in the framework of group and individual lessons, training programs, consultations and discussions with adolescents and their parents on the organization, forms and methods of daily life of a teenager to reinforce and improve adaptation and reserve capacity of the organism, to ensure the successful implementation of social and educational functions.

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