
Оne of the means of our time for the world and domestic education systems is the problem of equalizing the chances of students, for equal access to quality education. State program of the Russian Federation «Development of education» created a set of measures in the regions. In the Yaroslavl region, since 2020, this system of measures has been implemented within the framework of the regional project «Improving the quality of education in secondary schools with low learning outcomes and in schools operating in unfavorable social conditions». Within the framework of this project, comprehensive support was organized for 68 educational organizations from 12 municipal districts of the Yaroslavl region, of which, according to the clustering adopted in the Yaroslavl region, 20 general education organizations belong to the cluster of urban schools. The authors of the article reveal a number of main elements of the regional program, outline the theoretical prerequisites for dividing schools in the Yaroslavl region into two categories: schools with low learning outcomes and schools operating in unfavorable social conditions, and present the results of a comparative analysis of data from input monitoring of indicators of urban and rural schools participating in the regional project. The article describes the procedure for analyzing personnel support and human resources for optimizing the educational process in schools, aimed at improving educational results. A statistical portrait of students in urban and rural schools has been compiled in relation to their participation in student self-government bodies, passing the certification procedure, and completing additional education programs.

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