
The article discusses a mathematical models to describe the process of movement of moisture with drip irrigation. In the Federal target program «Development of reclamation of agricultural lands of Russia for 2014−2020» the task is saving water. One such water-saving technologies is drip irrigation. This method of irrigation is widespread in different countries of the world. It is noted that the accuracy and effectiveness of the regulation of the water regime is defined as frequent and less watering. Indicates that the application in practice of traditional methods of calculation of drip irrigation causes farmers a lot of questions. In the absence of engineers, reclamation specialists on the production of farmers can not apply developed in a large number of recent recommendations and are forced to set their own water supply mode, because of this reduced efficiency in the use of drip irrigation systems. It is shown that observation of the movement of moisture using the balance method with drip irrigation is difficult. It is noted that numerous studies have shown the high accuracy and efficiency the calculation of irrigation regimes using models of moisture transport, among which the most widespread are based on the basis of an expression L. Richards.


  • Коломенский институт федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Московский политехнический университет», г

  • The article discusses a mathematical models to describe the process of movement of moisture with drip irrigation

  • In the Federal target program «Development of reclamation of agricultural lands of Russia for 2014−2020» the task is saving water. One such water-saving technologies is drip irrigation. This method of irrigation is widespread in different countries of the world

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С. О влиянии капельного орошения на почвы // Научные основы экологии, мелиорации и эстетики ландшафтов: материалы конференции. Б. Капельное орошение репчатого лука на аллювиальных почвах юга Непала: автореф. Обоснование режимов капельного орошения земляники на дерново-подзолистых почвах: автореф. Ю. Регулирование водного режима почвы при капельном орошении плодовых питомников в Нечерноземной зоне: 03.02.13, 06.01.02. В. Определение суммарного водопотребления и величины оросительных норм интенсивных садов и виноградников на территории Молдавской ССР при капельном орошении // В кн.: Регулирование использования воды в народном хозяйстве.

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