
The aim of the study is to increase the yield of winter wheat with the use of innovative organic fertilizers during overall tillage in conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga region. The research was conducted in the period involving 2017-2020. The Svetoch variety winter wheat plants, were subjected to the research. In the field experiment, organic fertilizers were applied at different tillage treatment stages. The fertilizers use during early spring sowing or winter crops aftergrowing contributed to an increase of moisture content in the meter-depth soil layer by 
 0.8-1.3%. Winter wheat harvesting was not affected by the soil moisture significantly depending either on fertilizers used or main tillage treatment. The organic fertilizers use led to a slight decrease in soil compaction during the sowing of early spring crops or winter wheat spring aftergrowing compared to the option without fertilizers. The in-troduction of fresh manure led to a certain increase in the contamination of crops, after the introduction of other or-ganic fertilizers studied, the number of residues and their weight was less, and no significant differences were ob-served between the variants. Factor A showed (organic fertilizers applied) during periods of 2017-2020 the yield of winter wheat was – 2.95 t/ha; fertilizers were not applied, when 30 t/ha of manure applied – 3.32 t/ha; dry organic fertilizer use – 3.35 t/ha; and liquid one – 3.36 t/ha; biohumus – 3.32 t/ha. An increase of winter wheat yield from the action of organic fertilizers was 0.37-0.41 t/ha (or 12.5-13.9%). According to factor B (main tillage), the crop yield amounted to: when plowing by 20-22 cm – 3.33 t/ha; surface tillage by 10-12 cm – 3.25 t/ha; without autumn cultural practice – 3.19 t/ha. The use of resource-saving tillage reduced the winter wheat yield by 0.08-0.14 t/ha (or by 2.5-4.4 %), that is, without a significant difference between the options.

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