
The article considers an important aspect of the use of game approaches in higher education in order to promote personal development and self-education of students of higher education. The article proposes the concept of designing educational games as an effective tool for educational motivation, development of critical thinking, creative perception, and creative skills of students of higher education. The authors analyze the role of educational games in the formation of self-learning skills, self-improvement and self-education, providing practical examples and recommendations for developing game scenarios in the educational process. Determine the positive impact of educational games on academic success and readiness of higher education seekers for the challenges of modern society.
 The purpose of the article is to determine the role of self-education in the professional self-improvement of future specialists, to reveal the factors contributing to self-improvement, to substantiate the relevance and effectiveness of self-education methods. The authors present the possibilities of educational games for self-education by describing the author's educational game "Career Compass".
 The results of the article can be useful for teachers who are interested in innovative methods of organizing the educational process and supporting the personal growth of students of higher education in higher education.

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