
The article devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian legal scholar Professor Genrikh Mikhailovich Minkovsky reviews the main directions of his scientific research and their results, reveal-ing the significance of his contribution to the development of the doctrine of juvenile crime investigation. Em-phasis is placed on G.M. Minkovsky’s interdisciplinary approach to identifying and resolving criminal law, crimi-nological and other problems arising in criminal proceedings against minors. The role of G.M. Minkovsky in studying the identity of a juvenile suspect and accused is noted. The article substantiates the theoretical and practical significance of the scientific developments of G.M. Minkovsky, who not only focused on the most complex and controversial aspects of juvenile crime investigation which are still the object of study at the theo-retical level, but also made suggestions and recommendations, many of which are applied in practice. Current problems of modern criminalistics, reflected in the works of Professor G.M. Minkovsky, are discussed.

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