
The article uses the material of Russian and Korean languages to consider onomatopoeic and metaphorical vocabulary that denote the vocalization of birds. The comparative analysis of these lexical units from the positions of semiotics, universal features and national-cultural features of their composition and functioning is carried out. The analyzed vocabulary is disproportionally represented in Russian and Korean. The semiotic aspect of bird vocalization is much more clearly expressed in Russian language and culture. Russian onomatopoeic vocabulary, which denotes the voices of wild birds, is also represented by a much larger number of units than the similar vocabulary in Korean, due to the peculiarities of hunting traditions in Russian culture. The dominant association of songbird vocalization for Koreans is the lexeme meaning "cry". In Russian the main hypernym for vocalizations of songbirds is the lexeme "sing". However representative examples from poetic texts reveal the implicit semantics of "crying" as a way of vocalizing birds also is possible in Russian. Therefore, the crying of birds represents the cultural connotations and psycholinguistic association for each language in his own way.

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