
The purpose of the article is to study the influence of the global climate crisis on the development and efficiency of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy at the zonal level and scientifically substantiate the conceptual vision of the strategic principles of adaptation of agro-industrial production to its consequences. Research methods. When performing the research, a set of general scientific methods and techniques was applied; monographic – when studying domestic and foreign publications of the studied problems; mathematical statistics – to assess the absolute and relative deviation of agricultural production of strategic types of agricultural products from the long-term average volume at the regional level of the economy from the point of view of ensuring food security in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; a systematic approach based on the principles of System Analysis and synthesis – to substantiate the relationship between Sustainable Development and food security, as well as the efficiency of agricultural production; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalization of research results; economic analysis – to study the effectiveness of agricultural production. Research results. Climate data of Ukraine are studied and analyzed. Based on the system analysis, the impact of the global climate crisis on the development of the agricultural sector of the economy is learned from the point of view of assessing the level of food security in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is established that during the period of data analysis from 2015 to 2020, due to a combination of a complex of adverse weather and climatic factors, fluctuations in annual precipitation and an increase in the average air temperature, the level of stability of agricultural production in the Steppe regions decreased. A high level of variability in grain production was observed in certain regions of all-natural and climatic zones. Scientific novelty. Based on the combination of socio-economic and sustainable development theories, theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the impact of the global climate crisis on the development and efficiency of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy at the zonal level have been further studied. Practical significance. The study results will find practical use in the development and justification of regional and national strategies for the development of agro-industrial production and its adaptation to the challenges associated with the global climate crisis and in further scientific research. Tabl.: 8. Refs.: 24.

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