
The relevance of the study is due to the rapid increase of students with disabilities as a result of the war and the urgent need to adapt the educational process of higher school to the challenges of the state of war. We consider the benchmarks for solving the mentioned problem from the standpoint of domestic pedagogical science with an emphasis on taking into account the determinants of inclusive education and the use of forms, means, and methods of physical education. The purpose of the research is to identify and justify the emphasis on inclusive physical education of students with disabilities in the modern dimension. The research is based on the use of a complex of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, and generalization. The results. It has been studied that the change of emphasis in the interpretation of the concept of disability leads to the need to provide a comprehensive approach to creating conditions that would contribute to the full realization of the inclusion of students with disabilities during their studies in higher education institutions. It was found that inclusive physical education is currently the most effective means of inclusion, the main idea of which is to ensure the psychological comfort and interest of students with disabilities in the course of classes due to complete freedom of choice of means, methods, and forms of implementation of their physical education. The main goal of modern inclusive physical education with the help of various types of motor activity is the formation and development of physical condition, physical and psychological abilities, which ensure the adaptation of students with disabilities to their state of health, the variability of the environment, caused by transformations in the social life of the country. Attention is focused on the influence of inclusive physical education on the mental sphere of students with disabilities under martial law. The necessity of focusing inclusive physical education on creating a basis for students with disabilities to gain experience in health care skills and inclusion in active motor activity aimed at improving their health is determined. For many students with disabilities under martial law, inclusive physical education is the only way to "break" the closed space, enter society, find new friends, and get an opportunity for active physical activity. Conclusions. In the conditions of martial law, inclusive physical education is primarily aimed at creating conditions for the full realization of the physical and mental development of students with disabilities during the educational process, organized based on modern general scientific and special technologies of the theory, methodology and practice of physical culture, adapted to the needs of modern times.

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