
Представлены результаты оценки пожарной опасности светодиодных осветительных систем в условиях обитаемых гермоотсеков космических летательных аппаратов (КЛА). Проведен анализ этих систем с учетом влияния обогащения атмосферы кислородом, а также особенностей их конструкционного исполнения. Показана перспектива пожаробезопасного использования светодиодных осветительных систем для освещения и сигнализации в условиях обитаемых гермоотсеков КЛА и даны рекомендации по обеспечению пожарной безопасности светодиодных осветительных систем. When operating the habitable hermetic compartments of spacecrafts there is a need for high-quality illumination of the hermetic compartment for astronauts’ activities. It is also required to use light sources to indicate the operating modes of the equipment. Previously occurring fire-hazardous situations in the habitable hermetic compartments of manned spacecrafts caused the need to put fire hazard of these products among the main hazards of space flight. Currently, LEDs, which are semiconductor elements, are widely used as sources of optical radiation. They began to be used in space engineering not only as lamps, but also for other purposes. LED lamps have a significant advantage over all alternative options. They have longer service life, high lamp efficiency, reduced heat generation, high vibration resistance, low weight. At the same time, in LED lighting systems there are used highly flammable polymer materials, in particular polypropylene, which is one of the most flammable polymer materials in the air environment. In the oxygen-rich atmosphere of hermetic compartments the fire risk in any electrical equipment increases due to a significant decrease of the self-ignition temperature and the ignition energy of polymer materials with the oxygen concentration increase in the atmosphere. The paper analyzes fire hazard of LED lighting systems used as illumination in the command compartment of a manned transport space vehicle (MTSV). The analysis was carried out taking into account the influence of oxygen enrichment of the atmosphere, as well as taking into account the design features of LED lighting systems for use in the habitable hermetic compartments of spacecrafts. The analysis of the lamp showed that solid and liquid polymeric materials are the only combustible substances in their design.

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