
Introduction: attention to the problems of scientific specialties is explained by a number of factors of a substantive and formal-institutional nature. The predicted change in the nomenclature of scientific specialties, including law, makes the research topical. Purpose: to identify the consequences and evaluate the results of future changes with extrapolation of conclusions to the science of business law. Methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, historicism, description, interpretation, forecasting, as well as sociological and historical methods. Results: an excursion into the history of the issue is made: the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet periods are covered. Based on the actual data, it is shown that permanent changes in the system of scientific specialties in law are a tradition of Russian science. At the same time, the previously mentioned changes were of an evolutionary nature. The current situation with dissertation research within the current nomenclature is highlighted. Factors of popularity of the scientific specialty 12.00.03 are revealed, among which-stability, successful arrangement of branches, demand for scientists. The conclusion about the correctness of preserving business law within the same specialty with civil law is confirmed. Essential and bureaucratic problems of the scientific specialty 12.00.07 are shown. The article presents the data of a sociological study, the results of which indicate divergence and progressive autarky in the field of social Sciences. The characteristics of the main expected changes in the nomenclature of scientific specialties in law, including such as consolidation, rejection of the industry criterion in the formation are given. A forecast is made about the consequences of the introduction of these innovations. The author’s opinion is expressed regarding the place of business law in the new system of scientific specialties. Attention is drawn to possible problems and a way to overcome them is suggested. Conclusions: the new paradigm of scientific specialties in law should be evaluated positively. Its application allows us to approach the interdisciplinarity, complexity of scientific research, and the creation of dissertations as integral projects. In addition to the content side, the new nomenclature is designed to minimize problems in the formation of dissertation councils, selection of candidates for official opponents, and scientific organizations.

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