
The obligation to support disabled family members in the Russian Federation is established at the constitutional level. The corresponding norms are also established in international normative legal acts ratified by modern Russia. However, not all entities that are required to provide alimony content faithfully fulfill their obligations. In this case, Russian law provides for a mechanism for compulsory recovery of alimony. Most often it is necessary to resort to the procedure provided for by the legislation on enforcement proceedings, implemented by bailiffs-executors of the Federal bailiff service of the Russian Federation. The norms of the law on enforcement proceedings provide for a fairly wide range of powers of the bailiff in the framework of collecting debts for alimony, as well as measures of enforcement and liability to debtors for alimony, up to administrative and criminal. However, despite this, a significant part of the alimony debt in the Russian Federation remains uncollected. This entails a serious violation and infringement of the legal rights and interests of the most vulnerable segments of Russian society (minors, disabled family members, etc.), who are deprived of the possibility of decent material security. One of the reasons for this situation is the insufficient effectiveness of the current legislation on enforcement proceedings and the organization of enforcement in the Russian Federation.

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