
To predict the breeding and productive characteristics of cattle, along with molecular genetic markers, biochemical and hematological indicators are used. The purpose of the study is to conduct a hemato-biochemical analysis of the blood serum of red steppe cows in the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan. Deviations of protein level from the norm indicates metabolic disorders in the body, ration of animals. The total protein in the blood serum of cows is in the upper limit of reference values and makes 81,07±4,28 g/L. Determination of bilirubin content in blood allows to find out the ability of the liver to secrete bile. Total bilirubin amounted to 1,58±0,26 umol/L, which does not exceed the specified values. Urea is the end product of protein metabolism. Its content in blood increases with delayed excretion by kidneys. In the blood serum of cows the concentration of urea is 4,91±0,22 mmol/L. In biochemical analysis, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase are an indicator of cell damage in internal organs. Aspartateaminotransferase was 105,9±8,46 U/L, is within the reference values, indicating the absence of disorders in nitrogen metabolism. The concentration of alanine aminotransferase enzyme was 47,3±4,07 U/L, also indicating the absence of damage in the liver. Cholesterol as an important structural element of cell membrane participates in the formation of complexes with proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Total cholesterol content – 4,72±0,32 mmol/L. Decrease in blood sugar level is a symptom of serious disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism and lack of glycogen reserves in liver and muscles. Decrease of sugar content in blood of cows can be considered as a result of mismatch of energy intake with feed and its expenditure on metabolic processes and milk formation. Glucose concentration was 2,00±0,31 mmol/L. Insignificant deviation from the reference values of amylase enzyme, which hydrolyzes starch and glycogen, was detected. The level of these blood proteins is characterized by great stability and is subject to small fluctuations under normal conditions. The concentration of the enzyme totaled 73,7±6,37 U/L.

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