
Negative global phenomena, as well as regional and global tensions that have been intensifying in recent years, have created numerous new challenges for economic entities of various levels. Finding solutions to these problems becomes a critically important element of crisis management for any company seeking to navigate economic turbulence and maintain competitiveness. Consequently, there is an inevitable need to reform the methodology of analyzing the financial and economic activities of enterprises or, at the very least, adapt it to the new challenges faced by economic agents. This article examines a three-factor multiplicative analytical model based on key economic indicators of a company’s performance: the value of fixed assets, the cost of materials, the wages of production workers, and the company’s output expressed in monetary units. The model incorporates a previously unused factor, explores its economic significance, demonstrates its applicability using three real Russian companies from different sectors, explores a complementary variation of the factor, and establishes their interchangeable use for analyzing changes in their dynamics. Factor analysis using the proposed factor can be beneficial for assessing a company’s level of material and technical capabilities, production autonomy, independence from raw material suppliers and subcontractors, evaluating the impact of these factors on product output in monetary and absolute terms, and analyzing the changing dynamics of these production characteristics across reporting periods.

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