
Modern historical science does not fully cover the issues related to the history of the domestic military industry. One of these issues is the history of the organization of quality control and acceptance of military products at the enterprises of the defense industry. The object of this study is the product quality control system. The subject of the study is the organization of quality control and acceptance of military products at weapons factories of the Russian Empire (Tula, Izhevsk and Sestroretsk factories) in the first half of the XIX century. As a source base it was used specialized archival funds of some federal, regional and departmental archives of Russia, as well as published legislative acts. Problem-chronological and historical-comparative methods were used in the preparation of the publication. Thanks to them the author was able to consistently study the issues under consideration in the specified chronological framework as well as to identify general and specific organizational aspects of quality control and acceptance of military products at three different weapons enterprises in Russia. As the main auxiliary method of research, the method of schematization was used, and this made possible to show the evolution in the subject of this study more clearly. In this article the author consistently examines the procedure for quality control and acceptance of military products at Russian arms factories in the first half of the XIX century. The problems of produced small arms quality which the domestic military industry faced with during the period under review has been characterized in the article. State measures aimed at elimination the problems as well as the application of these measures at the local production level have been analyzed and evaluated. The author comes to the conclusion that as a result of the industrial revolution there was a qualitative leap in the creation and production of means of armed struggle. This factor came into conflict with the views of the state and military leadership of Russia of that time on the organization of quality control and acceptance of military products. The undertaken measures were insufficient foraccomplishing the tasks challenged withthe military industry.

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