
The representation of the diversity of the main natural complexes of Russia in federal specially protected natural areas (SPNA) was assessed based on a comparison of their soil cover with the soil cover of territorial units of the Map of soil-ecological zoning of the Russian Federation (2019). A high representativeness in relation to the soil cover of the SPNA systems of the polar belt and a satisfactory one of the boreal belt was revealed. Moving southward, the representation of the diversity of natural complexes in the protected areas decreases markedly, taking the minimum values in the steppe and dry-steppe regions. In mountain protected areas the soil cover reflects the diversity of natural conditions of mountain soil provinces well and average, in most cases the soil cover of high mountains is well represented and significantly worse—of low mountains and the most fertile soils of the corresponding mountain provinces (soddy-calcareous, mountain chernozem-like, meadow-steppe). In spite of relative prosperity noted in the analysis at the level of soil zones (subzones), consideration at the level of plain soil provinces allowed revealing unfavorable regions in this respect. Six of the 14 plain soil provinces without SPNA are located in Western Siberia, where the flat relief, which determines the well-defined zonality of landscapes, allowed to trace the climatic trends of recent decades. This region has been chosen as a model to assess the need for additional SPNA due to climate change. Analysis of climatic trends in recent decades has revealed climatic changes most pronounced in the extreme climatic regions: the northern and southern flat soil zones (subzones). Moreover, in the coldest northern part of the region there is a maximum increase in air temperature, and in the arid southern part there is a maximum decrease in air humidity. The implementation of plans to create four new nature reserves in the south of Western Siberia will significantly increase the representativeness of the network of SPNA in relation to the soil cover and will optimize the state system of reference objects of background environmental monitoring.

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