
Currently, a large set of IS maturity assessment models based on similar principles is available for both commercial and government organizations and institutions. At the same time, the actual use of such models is quite limited, primarily due to the weak attachment to the characteristics of specific organizations. This problem is partially solved by adapting existing approaches in the form of industry models (for example, ES-C2M2 for companies in the energy sector, ONG-C2M2 for companies in the oil and gas sector). Moreover, the emergence of a new model is very likely, which includes not only qualitative analysis through a set of characteristics / domains, but also a quantitative assessment of cybersecurity, which will use the assessment for both strategic and operational planning, as well as create an advanced expert analytical system . The best solution today is to start implementing any of the existing evaluation models with further adaptation and expansion for your own needs. Similar principles of model building will allow in the future to migrate painlessly to a more appropriate, while the experience gained in the assessment, as well as statistics will judge the progress of IS processes in the enterprise, and, importantly, in a convenient and understandable for senior management. The ES-C2M2 Cyber ​​Security Maturity Model can significantly help energy sector organizations to assess and improve their cybersecurity areas. The ES-C2M2 Capability Maturity Model is part of the DOE Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Program (C2M2) and was developed to address the unique characteristics of the energy subsector. The opportunity maturity model is a tool for self-assessment to measure and improve their cybersecurity areas. International standards and practices in the field of information security recommend that organizations when planning IS activities to assess the current state of IS and set a target for the near future, the achievement of which will allow the company to effectively address existing threats and respond to new challenges and threats of IS.

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