
The article examines political aspects of the development of the doping scandal in international sports, which began after the 2014 Olympic Games. The accusations made against the Russian Federation for creating and supporting an institutionalized system of doping use point to the unprecedented nature of the information company. Despite the obvious political background of the doping scandal and the noticeable flaws of the charges, Russian sports functionaries were unable to fully exploit the potential of the political information counteraction company. The imperfections of the World Anti-Doping Agency and the influence of political interests on sports are considered. The main directions for preventing the influence of political aspects of various countries on the activities of the IOC in the field of sports are revealed. Ways are proposed for the unification of international regulation of law enforcement in the activities of international institutions for the development of world sports. Solutions are proposed under which it is possible to consolidate international political efforts to develop mutually beneficial conditions for the development of the international Olympic movement and improve the global political climate of sports diplomacy.

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