
Relevance. This article examines issues related to the provision of medicines and the development of the pharmacy network of the Kursk region in the first post-war twentieth anniversary (1945-1965), when our country not only restored what was destroyed by the war, but also made a significant step forward in many areas, including in the field of healthcare. The experience gained during this period in the development of such an aspect of healthcare as drug provision and the development of a pharmacy network is of great interest. This is all the more relevant, since at present the world civilization, including our country, is facing such a challenge as the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose – the study of the problems of restoration and development of drug supply and pharmacy network of the Kursk region in the first post-war twentieth anniversary. Objectives: to study the process of restoration and development of the pharmacy network, changes in its material and technical base and personnel equipment; consider the main forms of drug provision for the population; to analyze the directions and ways of supplying the region with medicines and medical equipment, including through the manufacture of medicines at the local level; to study the impact of state policy in the field of healthcare on the development of drug provision and pharmacy network of the region. Methodology. The author of the article, when studying this topic, relies on the principles of historicism, con-sistency and scientific objectivity. All this implies a balanced, comprehensive study of the studied archival documents and published sources using problem-chronological and system-structural methods. In addition, fundamental analytical methods were used, including analysis, synthesis, and comparison. This made it possible to objectively assess the problems, main directions and results of the restoration and development of the drug supply and pharmacy network of the Kursk region in the first post-war twentieth anniversary. Results. On the basis of archival materials, which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the article reveals the problems faced by the provision of medicines and the development of the pharmacy network in the regions of our country in the first post-war twentieth anniversary, as important aspects of the development of healthcare in general. This made it possible to objectively assess the main directions of this development, including identifying its difficulties and shortcomings. Conclusion. The author concludes that the drug supply and pharmacy network of the Kursk region in the first post-war twentieth anniversary achieved tangible results. It was possible to restore not only what was destroyed during the war, but also to make a significant step forward in this direction. However, many problems in the development of the pharmacy chain still remained unresolved.

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