
The article is devoted to the up-to-date question of modern historical research - the study of everyday life of the Soviet man. This interest is explained by the general tendency to review the Soviet past, to revaluate ideals and to seek answers to questions that are still open. The article analyzes the social and living conditions of student youth of a particular region (in this case the territory of modern Sumy region) during the introduction of the card system in 1928–1935. Based on archival documents and scientific literature it has been discovered that students had elementary problems with food, accommodation and treatment. Numerous student applications to the directorate of educational institutions of the region and to the People's Commissar of Education indicate the extremely terrible conditions of their existence and the absence of even necessary things. Poor students were sometimes unable to study due to lack of money for clothing and food. They often left school in the winter due to lack of warm clothes. To survive, young people were looking for all kinds of part-time jobs, leaving the city of Sumy for a long time and being separated from the educational process. However, the supply of students by card system was a lifeline for many of them during the Holodomor, and sometimes for their relatives, to whom they sent food to the village. The reasons for which students left the studies were identified: illiteracy, poverty, and theft, which was largely the result of a massive shortage of basic necessities among students. It was established that the factors of the destruction of the intellectual potential of the region were also the involvement of students in various economic and political campaigns – collectivization, dekulakization, grain procurement, sowing. This disrupted the course of the educational process, led to the "disruption" of sessions, reducing the number of graduates. Despite all this, some young people found time and were actively involved in community service.

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