
The article highlights the specific features of implementing the new economic policy in the seaports of the USSR. The general laws of economic development of the commercial sea ports during the NEP period have been formulated. Statistical data on port capacity from the UK, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA, and France were used for the first time, and an assessment of the economic development of domestic sea ports was made in comparison with the above countries. It was stated that the drop in cargo turnover of the Soviet ports in relation to 1913 was the most significant, and the post-war restoration was slower in comparison with European ports, with the railway and inland water transport of the USSR. It was proved that the decrease in port turnover in the USSR was a consequence of a decrease in the foreign trade volume and short sea shipping. Maintaining the state monopoly of foreign trade, which in the NEP period transformed into the state capitalism, negatively affected outward and inward trade. The intensity of coastal shipping service grew slowly due to the low specialization of the regions. The seaport management system was studied; its centralization and similarity with the port management system of the Russian Empire were stated. There have been presented the study results of property relations in seaports. It was determined that the landowners in the ports were state departments represented by central ministries (people's commissariats), the owners of other property were state and sectorial governmental bodies, joint-stock companies with a predominance of state ownership. Sea trade ports were funded from the budget of the People's Commissariat of Communication Means. Port financing was ten times less than financing of railways and several times less than inland water transport financing


  • The article highlights the specific features of implementing the new economic policy in the seaports of the USSR

  • Statistical data on port capacity from the UK, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA, and France were used for the first time, and an assessment of the economic development of domestic sea ports was made in comparison with the above countries

  • It was stated that the drop in cargo turnover of the Soviet ports in relation to 1913 was the most significant, and the post-war restoration was slower in comparison with European ports, with the railway and inland water transport of the USSR

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Исследуются особенности реализации новой экономической политики в морских портах

Сформулированы основные закономерности экономического развития морских торговых портов периода НЭПа. Впервые использована статистическая информация о динамике грузооборота портов Великобритании, Германии, Италии, Нидерландов, США, Франции, дана оценка уровню экономического развития отечественных морских торговых портов в сравнении с портами вышеперечисленных стран. Не изучена взаимосвязь между уровнем экономического развития портов, отношениями собственности и системой управления портами. Целью настоящего исследования является выявление закономерностей экономического развития морских торговых портов СССР в период НЭПа. Информационной основой исследования послужили материалы по статистике внешней торговли СССР, морского и других видов транспорта (1914–1930 гг.); отчеты Народного комиссариата финансов СССР об исполнении единого государственного бюджета СССР (1924–1930 гг.), никогда ранее не использованные применительно к исследованию морских портов; статистические отчеты Германии: Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das Deutsche Reich (1915–1931 гг.); Великобритании: Annual abstracts of statistics (1913–1934 гг.); Нидерландов: Jaarstatistiek van den in-, uit- en doorvoer over (1923–1931 гг.); Франции: Annuaire statistique. Statistique generale de la France (1913–1930 гг.); Италии: Annuario Statistico Italiano (1919–1932 гг.); США: Statistical abstract of the United States (1913–1930 гг.)

Восстановление деятельности морских торговых портов СССР в условиях НЭПа
Объем добычи нефти и угля в Российской империи и СССР*
Нет данных
Крупнейшие порты Германии
Амстердам и Роттердам
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