
An important component of the military art are stratagems or military tricks. Cossack formations also actively used this military tool. An example of this was the Cossack uprising in the North Caucasus (the uprising of the Kuban Cossacks) against the Bolshevik regime in the summer of 1918 under the command of A.G. Shkuro. Then the Cossack rebels won many victories over the Red Army troops. Important role in this was played by the proper use of military tricks (strategem). The author of this article found 17 stratagems (military tricks). Among them, the Cossacks most often used 5: Intelligence; Hiding plans and status of troops; An unexpected attack; Demoralization of enemy troops; Capture of military prey. The reason for the successful use of military tricks was the specific priorities of the rebel-guerrilla actions of the Kuban Cossacks in this mountain and forest region. Of great importance was the style of command thinking of A.G. Shkuro, formed during the First World War (he created and led the best Cossack detachment that conducted special operations in the rear of the enemy). The military heritage of the ancestors of the Kuban Cossacks - Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, also played an important role. It was based on the naturalness, flexibility and effectiveness of the warrior and the whole detachment in battle.The author discovered and formulated military tricks (strategies) on the basis of previous scientific publications on the military art of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks in 1621 (under the command of Hetman Peter Sahaidachny) and 1649 (under the command of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky). The military tricks of the Cossack rebels revealed the versatility and originality of their military arts.

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