
This article examines the problems of classification and establishment of administrative and legal regimes for the protection of various historical and cultural territories provided for by the legislation on the state protection of cultural heritage objects. As a result of the analysis of international legal acts, it is concluded that some provisions of the Russian legislation do not fully comply with international rules. The problem of legal regulation in terms of such territorial (planar) objects of cultural heritage as works of landscape architecture and landscape gardening is highlighted. Examples of a number of foreign countries with significant experience in establishing historical zones and cultural landscape protection are given. The indicated experience makes it possible to identify the redundancy of some provisions of the Russian legislation relating to historical settlements and historical and cultural reserves. The article offers the author's definition of historical and cultural territories, and also puts forward a number of proposals to change Federal legislation, in particular, to adjust the concept of a landmark and its types of objects, the legal regime of a landmark, to make changes to the legislation on museums- reserves, as well as to abolish the rules relating to historical and cultural reserves. The paper identifies promising areas for further research on this topic and ways to improve legislation on the protection of cultural heritage.


  • This article examines the problems of classification and establishment of administrative and legal regimes for the protection of various historical and cultural territories provided for by the legislation on the state protection of cultural heritage objects

  • As a result of the analysis of international legal acts, it is concluded that some provisions of the Russian legislation do not fully comply with international rules

  • The indicated experience makes it possible to identify the redundancy of some provisions of the Russian legislation relating to historical settlements and historical and cultural reserves

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Настоящая статья исследует проблемы классификации и установления административно-правовых режимов охраны различных историко-культурных территорий, предусмотренных законодательством о государственной охране объектов культурного наследия. Согласно действующей редакции Федерального закона No 73-ФЗ под достопримечательными местами понимаются творения, созданные человеком, или совместные творения человека и природы, в том числе места традиционного бытования народных художественных промыслов; центры исторических поселений или фрагменты градостроительной планировки и застройки; памятные места, культурные и природные ландшафты, связанные с историей формирования народов и иных этнических общностей на территории Российской Федерации, историческими (в том числе военными) событиями, жизнью выдающихся исторических личностей; объекты археологического наследия; места совершения религиозных обрядов; места захоронений жертв массовых репрессий; религиозно-исторические места.

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