
The article is devoted to the generalization of the changes taking place in the labor market of Ukraine in the conditions of the war based on the analysis of its development trends, as well as the identification of challenges affecting the human resources of the economy. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that currently in Ukraine, business needs comprehensive and accessible information about the state and trends of the labor market in order to make sound management decisions in the field of personnel support and develop appropriate measures in response to the challenges experienced by the labor market in the conditions of martial law. The research was conducted using the information base of the State Employment Service, as well as on the basis of processing the results of surveys conducted by sociological groups and consulting companies. The dynamics of the unemployment rate in Ukraine and the load on 1 vacancy were analyzed, special attention was paid to the category of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the labor market. It was determined that IDPs are a potential source of solving the problem of business staffing in wartime conditions. The trends of the labor market of Ukraine in the conditions of war, which take place from the side of labor supply and demand, are summarized. The challenges of wartime, which the labor market of Ukraine feels most acutely, are defined as follows: settlement of the regional imbalance of the labor force; settlement of the professional and qualification imbalance in the labor market, in particular through the formation (in the updated system of professional education) of jobseekers with the skills required by the economy; promoting the integration of IDPs into the labor market of host communities; investing in the creation of new jobs with decent and inclusive working conditions; stimulation of effective employment of women and youth; spread of new forms of employment and support of self-employment.

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