
Purpose. Justification of the need to develop the practical field of forensic forecasting and prevention of external high-tech threats on the example of foreign dual-use biotechnologies, verified as potentially and actually having an increased public danger for Russia and its citizens. In this regard, attention should be paid to the insufficiency of scientific research related to the increased need in recent years to prosecute those who cause colossal harm to Russian citizens and the state from abroad using high technologies. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the directions for the development of forecasting, detection and forensic prevention of biological threats in the form of cross-border crime, to analyze the main approaches in bioengineering, which can have a dual purpose as big challenges. Methodology: dialectics, comparative analysis, generalization of open sources, verification and construction of hypotheses. Conclusions. Modern external biotechnological threats are subject to forensic detection, forecasting and prevention in their relationship with the inhuman provisions of modern eugenics, and not fragmentarily in the context of journalistic informational occasions. It is necessary to systematically use the available scientific and technical tools in order to improve the procedures for collecting, verifying and evaluating evidence of cross-border crimes. Efficiency of proof can only be achieved through the use of the most advanced techniques and methods, building up forensic potential on a consolidated intersectoral basis. Scientific and practical significance. The article is aimed at concentrating the research activities of forensic scientists in the most relevant areas of forecasting and preventing external high-tech threats.

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