
The approval of several crucial strategic planning documents at the federal level of public administration in recent years, in particular, the “Fundamentals of state policy in strategic planning in the Russian Federation”, made the problem of consistency and balance of strategic planning documents within the framework of goal-setting developed at various levels of the public administration. The purpose of the article is to suggest measures to ensure the interconnection of goals, objectives, and priorities reflected in strategic planning documents generated as part of goalsetting at the federal and regional levels of the public administration system, what is in demand in the practice of public administration of the Russian Federation. The theoretical basis of research is the methodology of strategic planning of territories. The critical method is the decomposition method, which allows to study the processes and phenomena that exist (or occurred in the past) and to develop the new ones, the creation of which is necessary to ensure conditions for sustainable social and economic development of territories at various levels. The specificity of the research approach lies in the fact that the decomposition procedure is carried out in the territorial aspect (spatial criterion), involves the use of various generalizations (logical measure), and is implemented within a given time frame (time criterion). It is proved that the promotion of national priorities to the regional level requires their “embedding” in the strategies of social and economic development of macro-regions and then in social and economic development of regions. It is proved that the “set” of the following documents: “National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030”, strategy of social and economic development of federal districts and the process of social and economic development of federal entities will ensure synchronization of goals, objectives, and priorities of strategic planning documents at federal and regional levels. The analysis of the strategic goal-setting documents of national and regional levels of the state structure of the Russian Federation carried out using as the example of the regions of the Southern Federal District showed a low degree of their synchronization, consisting in the fact that the goals, objectives, and priorities of development written in the documents of the regional level do not fully reflect the goals, objectives, and preferences of product declared at the federal level.

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