
These studies reflect the results of the effectiveness of the use of drugs "Karofertin" and "Hemobalance" in prepar-ing cows for embryo transplantation. Studies on cows used the Holstein breed. At the same time, three experimental groups were formed, through which the drugs "Karofertin" and "Hemobalance" are admin-istered both as mono therapy and in combi-nation. The formulations were not adminis-tered to the control group. The aim was to evaluate these drugs for studies of the hema-tological status of animals that are used as donors and recipients of embryos, as one of the main criteria presented for embryo trans-plantation - this is their physiological status, especially from the reproductive system, as well as from other organs and systems. ... In this regard, the task was set - to assess the dynamics of the morphological composition of blood and leukogram in experimental animals. The study will also use the biochem-ical parameters of serum in cows when using "Carofertin" and "Hemobalance", and the concen-tration of gonadal hormones in the administration of these drugs. Thus, the studied drugs were ad-ministered by stabilizing the state of animals, in particular from the reproductive system, and the dynamics of their hematological status was as-sessed. Carofertin contains synthetic beta caro-tene, which is a provitamin A, participates in many processes in the body and is directly involved in the metabolism of steroid hor-mones, folliculogenesis, the formation of the corpus luteum, etc. Hemobalance is a multi-vitamin complex preparation containing ami-no acids, due to which optimizes metabolic processes in the body (protein, vitamin and mineral). During the experiment, a positive effect on the preparations and systems of experi-mental animals was found, but the best result was achieved with the combined administra-tion of "Carofertin" and "Hemobalance", during the experiment, a significant increase in hemoglobin by 27.2% was noted, an in-crease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate by 1, 8 times and other indicators.

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