
Reducing the vessel hull vibration caused by the power equipment is usually obtained by the effective vibration-isolating fastening. Vibration impact on the mechanisms and automation tools greatly reduces their reliability, affects the health of passengers and crew members. Despite the modern vibration-insulating materials and compensators, the problems of eliminating the variable forces transmitted from the vibration source have not been fully solved. Increasing the operational requirements for the vibration safety of water transport requires the scientifically based and technical solutions, improving the designs of vibration isolation supports for mounting the marine power plants. Vibration reduction problems must be solved both at the design stage and at the stage of construction, repair and modernization. The conducted studies of vibrations under the influence of the harmonic force, step load and gradually increasing load have shown high efficiency of the support in all cases of load application under different simulation modes. At stabilization of the position the support was controlled by the integral of the displacement. The results of the studies conducted on the test model for the vibration protection of marine power equipment showed the effectiveness of the stabilizer. There is presented a theoretical study of a stabilizer with feedback on the displacement integral in the MathCAD software package. The numerical experiment is based on the Newton equation. The parameters of the stabilizer are determined, on the basis of which it is possible to design the actuator. It can be an electric motor, the direction of rotation of which depends on the direction of displacement of the protected object. The motor rotates a screw pair that compresses the spring. The spring acts on the clutch, the torque changes and maintains the vibration source. The simulation results helped to infer that it is necessary to stabilize the position of the unit for all load application modes.

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