
The semantic category “state” (hereinafter referred to as “state”) is a fundamental universal category of language. One of the options for its implementation is an experientive-self-referential one — a designation of one’s condition by the speaker himself. The features of its verbalization in Arabic remain unexplored. Their study in this article was provided on the material of 170 Arabic expressions, sampled on the basis of equivalence to Russian expressions with dative-predicative constructions (hereinafter referred to as “DPC”) “мне стыдно” from the parallel corpora. In the contrast and comparison with them in Arabic language there were distinguished two main constructions, which verbalize semantics in question: 1) «ʃaʕara + bi + N» (38 % elements of sample), where the subject is implicated in the affix of the verb, and its experientive “state” is transmitted by means of transitive verb with indirect object «ʃaʕara» — «to feel» with different nominals «N», equal on the semantic level to the lexeme “стыд” or familiar to it: «alɁistija:Ɂu», «alɁiħra:ʒu», «alʕa:ru», «assu:Ɂu», «alħaraʒu», «alxaʒalu» etc.; 2) PronAnim + Part1/2” (29% of the sample), where is the subject is personal pronoun “Pron” in the first face (fused or separete) in the role of subject in main or subordinate (after particle “Ɂanna”) clause. And its experientive “state” is transmitted by participle “Part1” or quasi-participle “Part2”, which are represented in the role of nominal predicate. Also, along with them, various minor methods are observed, such as a metaphorical transfer of the cognitive scheme of the preposition “ʕalaː” with the implication of “state” in the subtext, the use of a transfix of the initial form of the verb with the basic form “faʕila”, an impersonal construction with a lexeme, denoting emotion.

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