
This scientific article reveals the genesis of the formation and development of government agencies in the field of river navigation in Ukraine. The subjects of state power who carried out administration in the field of river navigation in Ukraine are named. The author names the system of bodies which in different periods of formation and development of sea and river transport carried out power-management functions. In 1922, the Dnieper River Transport Department was established. In the same year, a joint-stock shipping company Ukrrichflot was established on the basis of Golovrichflot. Ukrrichflot consists of 5 river ports. Ukrrichflot has the official status of the National Carrier of Ukraine, certification according to the international quality standard ISO 9001 and the Quality and Safety Management System. The Company is also a member of the Bratislava Agreements, an active participant in the Conference of Directors of the Danube Shipping Company. Ukrmorrichflot's sphere of management included associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations of sea and river transport according to the list determined by the Ministry of Transport. In its activities, Ukrmorrichflot interacted with other central and local bodies of state executive power, local self-government bodies, representative bodies, as well as with relevant bodies of other states. State registration of vessels is a matter of determining the legal status of property. Thus, in accordance with the provisions of international regulations, the registration of a vessel is of a public law nature and is a legal fact-action that gives rise to legal consequences. Today, the only executive body for the safety of navigation on sea and river routes is the State Service for Maritime and River Transport. The main tasks of the Maritime Administration are the implementation of state policy in the areas of maritime and river transport, merchant shipping, inland waterway navigation, navigation and hydrographic navigation, as well as ensuring and exercising state supervision (control) over safety in maritime and river transport.

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