
Statement of the problem. This article discusses the problem of universal learning skills (ULS) assessment among primary schoolchildren in the process of network interaction during computer science lesson activities. The research problem is determined by the requirements of the modern information society and becomes especially relevant in the context of the transition to distance learning in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The purpose of the article is to give scientific grounds and description of the assessment means for identifying the ULS formation level among primary schoolchildren at computer science lessons in the process of network interaction. The research methodology is based on the analysis and synthesis of regulatory documents on primary school education, research works of Russian and foreign scientists on the problem of digital socialization of generation Z and the organization of distance learning in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic; analysis of research in the field of networking; analysis of research in the field of ULS diagnostics among students. Research results. We described a method for communicative and regulatory ULS assessment formed among primary schoolchildren of the fourth grade at computer science lessons during the stage of network interaction using Google cloud services. The proposed method based on the level model of network interaction among primary school students was tested in Gymnasium No. 9 in Krasnoyarsk and School No. 11 in Abakan from 2016 to 2019. In total, the study covered 120 students over three years. Conclusion. As a result of our study, we have come to the conclusion that organization of network interaction based on distributed groups in space according to the level model contributes to the ULS formation of the basic and advanced levels that is confirmed by the results of their assessment. The materials presented in the article can be used by both elementary school teachers and subject teachers at the level of primary school education, as well as by methodologists and school administration to assess the ULS among students.

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