
This article is intended to highlight some current problems of contemporary publishing as a social and cultural phenomenon and a component of the national information space. The author shows a retrospective of development, ups and downs of production of books both in terms of the number of editions and their circulation. The analysis of books and brochures publishing by print groups, as to the purpose and the enlarged thematic sections is made. Some aspects of the distribution system of publishing products are considered. The characteristic industry problems and trends of development, the role of the state in these processes are represented. The publishing market leaders are shown. In the conclusions it is referred to that a large share of more than 5 thousand registered publishing companies or is only listed in the register, or publish from one to several titles of books per a year. Summarizing this situation one can characterize it as a crisis, which requires systematic and consistent steps of the Ukrainian authorities to support this industry. The publishers consider the constraining factors as follows: a decline in demand for publishing products due to low purchasing power of the population; a lack of real support from the state; the limited working capital and high tax burden; the constant increase of prices for general printing materials due to the total dependence on imports; impossibility of timely updating of fixed assets; the low power sales system and so on. Among the actual and very important factors that influence reduction of overlays, there is a noticeable loss of interest of the population in reading the print materials, caused both by world trends, and the lack of purposeful propaganda of education and books in Ukraine as elements of everyday life of every person. The slow pace of development of Internet technologies and producing the books on electronic media, the lack of advertising, and ignorance of potential readers about domestic books are equally worryingly.

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