
The article discusses the important points of hermeneutical and theatrical components of dramahermeneutics in the context of intensification of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. The possibilities of applying the hermeneutic component of the drama-hermeneutical approach are studied and analyzed, which helps to penetrate into the depth of the text, to discover its meanings. It is noted that hermeneutics allows not only to form students' speech skills, but also to educate students with a high level of reader perception. The possibilitiesof using the theatrical component, which is based on Stanislavskij system, are considered. The article describes this system as a strictly grounded concept of stage art, a method of acting technique, where mental and physical action exist in an indissoluble unity. The emotional, mental, and physical involvement of students in the process of living the story is noted. The article emphasizes the importance of using the drama-hermeneutical approach, since teaching in the context of this approach is primarily focused on communication and creating opportunities for continuous development, creativity, transformation of students, as a result of which students independently come to conclusions, to understand what is being studied at a higher level, they learn to extract from the results of their work in the process of hermeneutical analysis and theatrical «interiorization» of the text the experience that is necessary for their future professional life. The article substantiates the possibilities of implementing the drama-hermeneutical approach in the context of intensifying the process of teaching a foreign language, which contributes to the harmonious combination of creative and intellectual, collective and individual activity of students of a non-linguistic university. The practical value of this approach in solving educational, tutorial and developmental tasks of teaching a foreign language is emphasized, which helps students to show their position in an active attitude to the language and the implementation of their speech skills in an unprepared speech.

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