
The basis of biological farming is expanding the acreage of perennial grasses, which in the coming years should occupy at least 25% of the arable land of our Republic instead of 18-20% currently. To solve this problem annually more than 9 thousands tons of seeds of perennial grasses is reguired, including meadow fescue 0.7 thousands tons. The study revealed that despite the higher production costs of the two-phase method of harvesting and threshing, the profitability of seed production is higher to 7-21%, than the direct harvesting. In traditional two-phase harvesting (mowing in rolls, then threshing rolls), and seed moisture content of 12-14%, the loss of biological crop production reduces by almost twice, comparing with direct harvesting, but it is inferior to in two-phase threshing. The reason is very simple, the fescue panicles on the top reach harvest maturity faster, than the on the bottom. In the case of rainfall, they crumble, which is clearly manifested in the growth of grain dropping after threshing rolls. The each hectare of investigated variants of meadow fescue brings about 10-12 thousand rubles of net profit. Thus, in order to obtain from each hectare of crop 380-400 kg of low-cost uncoated, it is recommended to sow it with row spacing of 30 cm and organize two-phase threshing of harvest.

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