
The article analyzes the theoretical aspects of urban festivals as well as their implementation in practice, aimed at forming the image of the city. Urban festivals are cultural events that consolidate a community that shares both the values and meanings conveyed by the festival, giving them a sense of belonging to each other and to the location in which the cultural event takes place. Urban festivals influence the culture of citizen participation, contribute to the emergence of new cultural practices, have a positive impact on the area, the appearance of the city, etc. The article shows that the festivals leave a “trace” in the symbolic, informational and cultural space of the city; they act as a tool for designing the urbanistic image, as well as a kind of “magnet” for tourists. Due to festivalization, the city becomes a place of touristic cultural consumption, and at the same time, acting as an object of investment in the service sector. The festivals create conditions for regulated and safe human interaction with the city. During the festivities, the urban space is filled with diverse and multi-genre cultural events, while some other aspects of urban life become unseen because of the festival activity. The author concludes that the city festival forms a specific type of urban citizen. Another feature of the city festival is that it helps to “revive” the place where it is held (the city), to activate the creative potential of young artists and cultural workers, to increase the attractiveness of cultural institutions (concert halls and other venues) among the citizens, in particular, the new audience, to educate the artistic and aesthetic taste of young people.

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