
The personnel renewal of the teaching staff of higher education (teaching staff) is considered one of the factors contributing to the development of the domestic education system, which implies an increase in the proportion of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities under the age of 35 according to the national project "Education" to 20%. The subject of the study is the dynamics of the structural characteristics of the PPP. The purpose of the work is to identify the main trends in the age dynamics of teaching staff. The study found that the age characteristics of teaching staff cannot fully serve as indicators of the maturity of university teachers to solve professional tasks and educate harmoniously developed and socially responsible individuals based on the spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, although the process of "aging" teaching staff causes a number of risks to the higher education system due to age bias priorities of teachers in the professional qualification plan. The ambiguous assessment by the educational community of the tasks associated with the "rejuvenation" of the teaching staff, in the absence of optimal mechanisms of management activities to adjust the age structure of teachers in universities, is demonstrated. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop and implement a strategically sound personnel policy, within the framework of which there is no formal replacement of older teachers with younger staff, but systematic work is implemented based on compliance with the following principles: flexibility of professional trajectories, differentiated nature of support measures, transparency of competition criteria, inadmissibility of discrimination.

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