
The article is devoted to the monitoring of chemical pollution of coppice oak forests in the green area of Voronezh on the basis of use of oak gallflies as biomonitors. Object of research – the coppice oak forests of green zones along the major highways that are why they are continuously exposed to the entire complex of polluting chemicals in the environment – air and soil, atmospheric precipitation. For conservation and development, as well as the normal functioning and management of forest ecosystems it is extremely important to constantly know the current status of natural objects and parameters, polluting factors. The article investigates chemical pollution of coppice oak forests in the green area of the city of Voronezh from positions of optimized monitoring. Previously, it was found that the most potent source of chemical pollution of coppice oak forests is vehicles, which pollute the environment with combustion products of carbon, but the most important are heavy metals, since the higher plants are recognized as reservoirs for heavy metals contained in the air and soil. Biomonitoring of chemical contamination of vegetation along roads can be effective with higher plants. We investigated the possibility and feasibility of biomonitoring of chemical contamination in coppice oak forests with the help of gallflies, living on oak. We suppose that oak gallflies are promising biomonitor because they have several advantages: a lot of gallflies very sensitive to chemical air pollution and plant hosts, they are sensitive indicator of changes in environmental conditions, which is primarily manifested in the intensity and nature of galeopsifolia processes. Cecidia of gallflies are accessible to observation, they are relatively easily diagnosed in relation to the species; focusing on them, and it is easier to replace changes in the environment than to track those changes directly on the vegetation cover or in geophysical environments.


  • В условиях низкого загрязнения насажтоксикантов в условиях зеленой зоны, прилегаюдений встречается наибольшее число (10) видов орещей к автомагистралям

  • The article is devoted to the monitoring of chemical pollution of coppice oak forests in the green area of Voronezh on the basis of use of oak gallflies as biomonitors

  • Object of research – the coppice oak forests of green zones along the major highways that are why they are continuously exposed to the entire complex of polluting chemicals in the environment – air and soil, atmospheric precipitation

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Nn Na Dq Ao Af

Nn - Neuroterus numismales, Na - Neuroterus albipes, Dq - Diplolepis quercus folii, Ao - Andricus ostreus, Af - Andricus foecundatrix. 2. Зависимость уровня обилия постоянно встречающихся дубовых орехотворок от уровня химического загрязнения насаждений. – определить сеть маршрутов учёта дубовых общее число видов дубовых орехотворок и уровень орехотворок по галлам Уровень их обилия в зависимости от вень загрязнённости дубрав тяжёлыми металлами уровня химического загрязнения характеризуется Как следует из приведенной таблицы, оценку образно использовать в качестве биомониторов зауровня загрязнения тяжелыми металлами насаждегрязнения дубрав тяжёлыми металлами яблоковидний можно делать как на основе суммарного содерную и нумизматическую орехотворки. Для более широких выводов желательно учидии, следует заключить, что поселение орехотворок тывать также урожай желудей (Houston, 1974; Houспособствовало накоплению тяжёлых металлов в ston, Stairs, 1973). Основе использования в качестве биомониторов дубовых орехотворок: Сравнительное содержание тяжёлых металлов (мг/кг) в листьях ранораспускающегося дуба черешчатого, поражённых и не поражённых нумизматической орехотворкой

Условные уровни загрязнения порослевых дубрав тяжёлыми металлами
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