
In the current work, there has been developed for the first time a geo-information web-system for presenting the results of the inventory of air pollution emissions in Kyiv from industrial en-terprises on the basis of the processing of data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, as well as estimates of geo-distributed emission fields from vehicles. The system contains infor-mation on emissions of 21 pollutants, including those that are regularly monitored in Kyiv by governmental agencies. The system is available via the link http://env.kiev.ua:8080/pollutionsystem/ pollutionsystem.html. Its main features – viewing on the map the locations of industrial emission sources for the selected substance, and the corre-sponding amount of emissions – can be used even by unregistered users. The developed system can be used in combination with the existing public and state systems for monitoring of air pol-lution in Kyiv for preliminary (screening) analysis of possible causes of high levels of air pollu-tion during their observing with the monitoring systems. The paper presents a relevant example of the system application to explain the high levels of hydrogen sulfide concentrations at one of the stations in Kyiv. Another purpose of the system may be to detect shortcomings in the exist-ing inventory of industrial emissions, namely the lack of information on certain sources, as well as verification and adjustment of data on emissions from the registered sources. To fully use the system potential, it is necessary to expand its functionality in the direction of mathematical modeling of the spread of pollution due to emissions from industrial enterprises and vehicles. For this purpose, it is also necessary to integrate hydrometeorological parameters and levels of air pollution in Kyiv into the data monitoring system.

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