
This article is devoted to the study of features of the formation and the current state of Russian-speaking communities in two countries — Hungary and the Czech Republic. In this article we uses data from the 2011 census, data from the current population registration of Hungary and the Czech Republic, UN data on the foreign population in the countries of the world according to the 2019-revision, materials of Russian-language publications in Hungary and the Czech Republic, as well as the results of a sociological survey of the Russian-speaking population of Hungary, conducted in 2019. We describe the socio-demographic structure and features of the settlement of the Russian-speaking population in Hungary and the Czech Republic. It is shown that an important factor in the consolidation of Russian-speaking communities in these countries is the preservation of the Russian language and possibilities of using it in various daily practices: communication in everyday life, looking for a job, organizing a business focused on the Russian-speaking segment of the national economies of the host countries. In this context, the active position of the Russian state in supporting Russian compatriots abroad is of fundamental importance. The paper analyzes some instruments of interaction between Russia and compatriots in Hungary and the Czech Republic: support and joint activities for the preservation and dissemination of the Russian language, cultural, scientific and educational projects, and projects aimed at increasing the interest of young compatriots to Russia.

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