
In unstable conditions of the security environment, any state must respond flexibly to the full range of threats. At the same time, a state that is threatened with the use of military force in combination with strong informational and psychological influence, measures of political and economic pressure may not always have the resources to adequately symmetrically counteraction. This necessitates the organization of asymmetric counteraction, the main form of achieving the goal of which is a “special operation” with appropriate “local special operations”. Given the lack of security and defense sector as a single functional association special operation of asymmetric counteraction is the substantiation of tasks to the subjects that form the integrated potential for its conduction. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for defining the tasks of the components of integrated capacity in the local special operation. Operations are specific in purpose and objectives, and therefore limited in time and composition of forces as a form of asymmetric counteraction to the threat of both military and hybrid nature. Their content is the simultaneous or sequential impact on the vulnerable (“pain”) points of the enemy, which significantly reduces the ability of the enemy to continue the aggressive impact. The synergistic effect of asymmetric measures in operations should be provided by their implementation in various areas, which increases the requirements for justification of tasks to the entities involved. The definition of tasks is based on the decomposition of the purpose of the operation using one of the methods of building a system of goals – building a “tree” of objectives. The main system requirements for the list of goals of the lowest level are their completeness, not redundancy and measurability. The content of the goals determines the list of tasks and activities by which they are achieved. The article provides recommendations on the sequence of tasks for counteractions on the basis of a cognitive approach based on the theory and methods of expert systems, expert-significant intermediate scenarios, analysis of hierarchies, etc. Provided recommendations for the development of appropriate formalized documents.

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