
Our time is characterized by looking for new forms, methods and techniques of teaching. Modern education requires teaching methods that would help not only to teach qualitatively, but first of all, to develop the potential of the individual. Contemporary education is aimed at preparing students not only to adapt, but also to actively master situations of social change. During foreign language classes, a special place is occupied by forms of training that ensure the active participation of each student, stimulate language communication, and promote interest and desire to learn a foreign language. At the same time, the problem of human adaptation in modern society is naturally quite relevant. This is caused by changes in the external natural and social environment, human activity, formation of new social relations, and society's entry into a new (information) phase of its development. In this situation, the task of education is primarily to develop a person's readiness to realize his or her personal and professional potential in the new changing conditions. The author reveals the issue of using the design thinking methodology, which is closely related to the process of forming students' information and digital competence. The relevance of the chosen problem is due to the need to find methods that are appropriate for using in English classes while educating future military officers. That is why it is natural that design thinking is an effective tool, since the essence of the methodology is to speed up team communication, structure the processes of submitting and successfully implementing ideas. Students who have developed design thinking can easily generate solutions and invent ways to implement ideas. All of the abovementioned is in accordance with the need for an education system that can teach a person to adapt to the conditions of life and functioning. To do this, they must perceive and assimilate new knowledge of different levels and orientations, develop the necessary skills and abilities, and apply them in their professional and personal practice. As higher education seeks to create a learning experience for students that will prepare them for their future professional activities, design thinking can play a crucial role in supplementing students' knowledge with skills and thinking that will help them solve problems creatively.

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