
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ecosystem services of the city of Chernihiv after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and to assess the consequences of military actions for the urban space and ecosystem. Methodology. During the writing of the article, the method of analysis and synthesis, analytical, systematic and graphic were used. The informational basis of the study is the scientific work of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, as well as the authors' own observations and memories related to the first days of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the damage that was caused to the environment. Results. The impact of military operations on the disruption of ecosystem elements has been studied. Using the example of the city of Chernihiv, the importance of component ecosystem services and the need to preserve them to ensure the balanced development of the city's territory and improve the quality of life of the population is revealed. The main changes and consequences of the Russian aggression, which affected the state of atmospheric air, river systems, soils, and forest areas, are outlined. One of the main environmental problems of the city is analyzed - the accumulation of garbage and the handling of solid household waste. The ecological potential as a vector of the work of the new City Development Concept, which began to be developed immediately after the end of active hostilities in Chernihiv, was considered. Scientific novelty. Chernihiv is one of the largest cities in the north of Ukraine, which Russian troops have been trying to capture since February 24, 2022. Occupying a convenient geographical position determined by the proximity to the capital of the country, it is of strategic importance for the state. In addition, Chernihiv has unique historical-cultural and natural-recreational resources that require protection and appropriate treatment on the part of the population. Russian aggression caused the destruction not only of infrastructure facilities, enterprises, and houses, but also caused damage to the environment, which in some places has catastrophic consequences. Thus, the study of the elements of the ecosystem, the study of the city's ecological problems, and the receipt of ecosystem services require additional attention from scientists, especially after active hostilities. Practical significance. The practical significance of the article is determined by the possibility of using the research results during educational activities to increase the level of environmental culture and education of the population.

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