
Purpose. To analyse accidents at Ukrainian mining enterprises and to develop recommendations for the prevention of accidents and emergencies. Methodology. Statistical information on operational visits to accidents and emergencies by the paramilitary mine rescue service (PMRS) serving mining enterprises and other information on the state of accidents at mining enterprises in Ukraine was collected and processed. Results. On the base of statistical data provided by the PMRS and other public sources, it was determined that the main accidents and emergencies occurred in 2020 and 2021 at mining enterprises are: fires, collapse and falling of fragments of rock, in-mine and pit transport accidents, accidents caused by the use of the lifting complexes, head frame structures and mine shafts directly. Scientific novelty. The cases of accidents and emergencies at mining enterprises are systematised and measures for their prevention are proposed. Practical significance. Practical recommendations developed for mining enterprises in Ukraine on preventing accidents and emergencies in the underground and open-pit mining of mineral deposits. Priority areas of work for the next years determined for managers of mining enterprises and labour protection services: fire protection of enterprises, safety in use of in-mine and pit transport, control over conditions of lifting complexes and mine shafts; control over the use of power equipment, protection of miners against traumas at collapse in underground mine workings and surface mines, implementation of occupational health and safety training programmes for miners.

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