
The system-structural approach in researches of processes of friction and wear at application of fullerene compositions in lubricants is proved in the work. It is proposed to use a multilevel approach to study and model the processes of deformation of the surface layers of movable and fixed triboelements and the formation on energy-activated surfaces of wear-resistant structures containing fullerene molecules. The essence of the approach is to use multi-scale research methods to build mathematical models within a single research structure. Due to the fact that tribosystems differ in the integrity of the interconnected elements included in them, it is assumed that all processes occur at three hierarchical levels. At this level, they interact with each other and exchange energy and matter. Input and output flows in studies of tribosystems are formulated. It is shown that the input streams include design parameters of the tribosystem, technological parameters, operating parameters. These parameters form the flow of matter, energy and information, which is the input effect on the tribosystem. The output flow from the tribosystem are the parameters: volumetric wear rate I, dimension m3/hour; friction losses, which are estimated by the coefficient of friction f, dimensionless quantity. The output stream is the information flow of the tribosystem. When solving contact problems, this allows to take into account not only the level of stresses, but also the speed of deformation in the materials of the surface layers, as well as the depth of deformation, which in the models will take into account the volume of deformed material.Depending on the tasks and requirements for their solution, the use of different methodological approaches for modeling is justified. It is shown that the application of mathematical models in the modeling of tribological processes depends on the correct choice of technical constraints that determine the range of optimal solutions


  • Processes of friction and wear in various designs of tribosystems belong to dynamic processes and develop according to the general laws of synergetics

  • The output flow from the tribosystem are the parameters: volumetric wear rate I, dimension m3/hour; friction losses, which are estimated by the coefficient of friction f, dimensionless quantity

  • The output stream is the information flow of the tribosystem. This allows to take into account the level of stresses, and the speed of deformation in the materials of the surface layers, as well as the depth of deformation, which in the models will take into account the volume of deformed material

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Processes of friction and wear in various designs of tribosystems belong to dynamic processes and develop according to the general laws of synergetics. A distinctive feature of such processes is the adaptation of the surface layer of tribosystems to the conditions of friction, which is called B.I. Kostecki structural adaptation of materials by friction, and L.I. Bershadsky - adaptation, ability to learn and self-organization of tribosystems. Self-organization is a fundamental phenomenon of nature, which is manifested in various areas of animate and inanimate nature. The essence of self-organization in tribosystems is that under the action of external perturbation the tribosystem adapts (learns, changes) so that its response to external perturbations maximally compensates for the cause of such perturbation, ie the ability of the tribosystem to return to stable conditions after cessation on the tribosystem of outrageous factors

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